Colorful socks have been used as a subtly eccentric accessory for quite some time. As noted back in 1923, by P. G. Wodehouse, in The Inimitable Jeeves, Bertie Wooster stood up for wearing socks with a bit of pizzazz:
He started to put out my things, and there was an awkward sort of silence.
“‘Not those socks, Jeeves,’ I said, gulping a bit but having a dash at the careless, off-hand tone. ‘Give me the purple ones.’”
“I beg your pardon, sir?”
“Those jolly purple ones.”
“Very good sir.”
He lugged them out of the drawer as if he were a vegetarian fishing a caterpillar out of the salad. You could see that he was feeling it deeply. Deuced painful and all of that, this sort of thing, but a chappie has to asset himself every now and then. Absolutely.
What Jeeves would say about wearing purplish socks with the yellow submarine on them, we can guess - but we're sure Mr. Wooster would flaunt them about with proper aplomb.
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